2022 College Coaches Camp 06/11
Saturday, June 11, 2022
from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday June 11th,2022
This year CCJ is offering two College Level Volleyball camps. These camps are a great way to be seen in action by college volleyball coaches. So while you are fine-tuning your skills, you may just earn a scholarship as well. These camps will be run by college coaches from surrounding states. College camps are one-day events. Graduates in Classes of 22'-25' The athletes will bring their own lunches/snack for the lunch break (12-1). SPECTATORS ARE WELCOME.
Coaches Skills/Drills 9:00am-12:00pm
Lunch Break 12:00-1:00pm
6vs6/Scrimmages 1:00-2:45pm.
Coaches Q/A 2:45-3:00pm
Cost per athlete $85
AFTER REGULAR 05/19-06/11
Cost per athlete $125
Colleges Attending (June 11th)
Mercer University NCAA D1
University of Auburn in Montgomery NCAA D2
University of West Florida NCAA D2
Huntingdon College NCAA D3
Cumberland University NAIA
Faulkner University NAIA
Pensacola State College NJCAA
Location: Map link
Cost: $125.00 (plus processing fees)
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